Regardless of whether you are looking for a house or apartment, office or skyscraper – we are here to help You. Our specialist will find the perfect property for You and you will save on fees by using the notary’s office, which cooperates with us. Credit advisor will provide real estate financing on the most advantageous terms that are currently available on the market and our design studio might prepare an individual project of your new home.
Real estate sales are our specialty. We know what to do to make the transaction smooth, on favorable terms, and above all – safely. Drone videos, professional photo shoots, banners and marketing – from Web portals to billboards. We act on a grand scale and successfully – regardless of whether You are selling a studio apartment or an office building. You are in a good hands!
If you want to rent your property efficiently at a favorable price and you value transaction security – we can help You! Our specialist will prepare a professional lease offer, which will reach to the thousands of customers, including the employees of our partner corporations, relocation firms and universities.
Tell us about your needs and we will match a perfect property for you. The decision about renting an apartment will determine the comfort of your life in next months and years. Let the specialists guide you in this proces! Together we will find the perfect place, we will establish favourable terms and conditions of the lease contract and take care of the transaction security.
Our loan advisor is a person with 16 years of experience in servicing mortgage loans. We work with all banks, we offer the best conditions with no commission, and loan applications will be delivered to you at the address indicated without the need to visit bank branches. 96% of our clients receive positive credit decisions. Check how much you can gain!
Rental management is our premium service. It is dedicated to people who, in addition to transaction security, also value their time. When you decide to manage a lease with EstateStreet, you will never have to think about settlements with administration, faults, late payments or unfair tenants again. Sit down and rest, we’ll take care of everything.